
Green Sign Media does not accept unsolicited materials, scripts, screenplays or ideas of any kind. In order for us to read, evaluate or consider a script the following policy must be followed:

This is for your own protection and is proof of what was actually submitted. If your script is not already registered with the Writers Guild of America or the U.S. Copyright Office, we highly recommend you register or copyright first. To register click here for the Writer's Guild.

Or here for the Copyright Office. Tell us the registration number.

If more than one writer is credited on the script, each writer must submit his/her own release form. No exceptions.

Before evaluating the script we require a release form and a log line of 25 words or less. If you can't say the entire story and demonstrate that the story is Big, Imaginative yet Simple in 25 words or less, then you either don't know your story or its a story we probably won't want to produce. Be able to state a genre.

The 'dirty dozen' oil riggers go in a rocket, to an asteroid about to destroy the Earth, and plant atomic bombs to save the world. (25 words)
Notice that this sentence tells the beginning, middle and end of the story, its imaginative and its big.

1) If we have not requested your script, DO NOT PROCEED. Scripts will not be read without a signed Release Form. No exceptions.

2) BE PATIENT. Coverage and development analysis takes time, you may not hear from us for awhile.

DISCLAIMER: The reviews and recommendations, and the results thereof, are subjective in nature, and reasonable people may disagree as to the merits of the material submitted for evaluation. There is no warranty or guaranty that the review of the materials will result in a complimentary or positive evaluation.

To download the RELEASE FORM acknowledge that you read, understand and agree with the above policies by CLICKING HERE.

When it is time to send your log line or script please send it by email. Click on GREEN SIGN MEDIA SCRIPT SUBMISSION to send it and save a few trees. PDF format preferred. Second best is the DOC format. Free script writing software that will output a PDF files can be downloaded at